Thursday, June 22, 2006

pendar berai ~ekstra paste

-nah lalu?

Oh my God..Tuhaaaaaaannn.....dia berada dalam kubah yang sama dengan masa lalu kita kemarin!



-iya lalu kenapa?

Saya tidak mau memar lagi kemudian tenggelam lagi dan tersesat lagi!.....Meruntuh.....

-kamu mau menyalahkanku? Atau dia?

Saya disini tidak untuk menyalahkan Mu..ataupun dia…Tuhan pasti tahu itu



-Saya hanya menyusun barisan pion-pion ini...hanya kamu saja lah yang memutuskan mau diapakan

saya bingung

-tidak...kamu tidak bingung.....kamu tahu?sebenarnya kamu sudah memutuskan.kamu sadar nggak?

Kalau sadar, saya tidak akan disini sekarang.

-Tidak….kalaupun kamu sadar, kamu akan tetap ke sini

Bagaimana KAU bisa begitu yakin?

-Hey..I’m The God, remember?

Yeah……....its never be enough, is it?

-What is?

This…mind playing game- thing….playing with every human’s life

-Hahaha u don’t wanna know, my Nadi….trust me

When actually I didn’t trust you anyway?

-U know exactly when….and I missed u so much at that time

Haahaha I missed U too…thanks to YOU I’ve found my way back

-Like I’ve always saying dear Nadi…u wont be lost unless you want to be lost


~shall we laugh then?

naahh..not in the mood

~ahh you're no fun

you created me..accept that


Monday, June 19, 2006

shimmering wings telling

i wish i could fly, yet through the bottom of earth. yes..the irony is in the air.just let it be smelled 'coz i've been searching like death. In sky i have found some, but not the eyes i was referring to. In another sky i have kissed some, but again not the lips i was dying for. it's hollow
my dear, it's so fucking hollow i could dry
how could i leave these wanderings tell me..i've just touched the clouds for God's sake!
u know? they said "we've been shattered, please let us die"
and another, again said " we've been ignored, please let us die"
die die die
what's die have to do with this? with all this wanderingyouallthislong stuff?
is it take that significant to have u touched as i am here?
has scars like those marked on our soul does not improve u
at all?
is watering down my sight does not leisure you anything but at all??

and now you're asking me what my wish is?

My dearest..these hands would have your neck and have it tightened
if u wish it so
but again..whats the point?

What's the goddamn point??

sing along and i'll be listening
had me teared and i would do so

but DONT tell me to turn my back on you.
Just do not.......